Allahr itscha
Žánr: Documentary film
Rok: 1976
Minutáž: 1858 sec
Popis: Documentary about the poverty and unjust hierarchy in Bangladesh, founded by Caritas and Heks. Scenes out of everday life, a mother giving her baby away, a farmer paying 300 % interest for the little money he lend to buy a boat. The movie tries to show whats possible to achieve in Bangladesh with developement aid and assistance but also the problems in this field and possible solutions.
Klíčová slova: Afrika / Armut / Entwicklungshilfe / Hunger
Poskytovatel: Lichtspiel - Kinemathek Bern
Práva: In Copyright
Produkční společnost: Caritas Schweiz & HEKS
Director: Karl Gähwyler
Typ dokumentu: